26 Aralık 2018 | 10:24

Dönem 3 İngilizce Boğaz kültürü Klinik Beceri Eğitimi sırasında aklımıza Grup A ß-hemolitik streptokok kaynaklı boğaz enfeksiyonları için bir saha çalışması yapmak geldi. Dr. Ayşe Kalkancı’ya bu fikrimizi sunduk. Fikir çok hoşuna gitti ve bize yardım etmeyi kabul etti. Resmî işlemlerin planlamasını ve kreşin ayarlanmasını sağladı.

 4 Aralık 2018’de bir grup öğrenci, Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı asistanlarıyla beraber besiyeri ve boğaz sürüntülerinin hazırladı. 6 Aralık 2018’de Ingilizce ve Türkçe bölümü öğrencileri karışık olarak 37 öğrenci 2 Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı asistanı gözetiminde Yenimahalle Belediyesi Barış Manço Anaokulu ve Gündüz Bakımevi’ne Gazi Üniversitesi’nin tahsis ettiği otobüsle gitti. Anaokulu ve gündüz bakımevinde yaşları 3 ila 6 arasında değişen 220 çocuk vardı. Boğaz kültürü, velillerinden yazılı izin formu alınmış çocuklardan toplandı. 149 çocuktan boğaz kültürü alındı. Örnekler hemen Gazi Üniversitesi Mikribiyoloji laboratuvarına getirildi ve örneklerin kanlı agar besiyerlerine ekimi yapıldı. 7 Aralık 2018’de besiyerleri kontrol edildi. 148 örnek Grup A ß-hemolitik streptokok için negatif sonuç verirken 1 örnek pozitif sonuç verdi. 10 Aralık 2018’de ailelere gönderilecek geri bildirim dilekçeleri yazıldı.


In our throat culture clinical skills education lecture, we, phase 3 English medicine students, had an idea about a field test for public health, targeted for throat infections by beta-haemolytic Streptococcus in particular. As we were in the winter season, we asked Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALKANCI about it and she was delighted by the idea , agreeing to help us in realizing it, Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALKANCI has scheduled our plan and chosen the kindergarten the project was going to be carried out in.

On 4th of December a dozen of students, along with Microbiology residents, have prepared the culture medias and the throat swabs that were going to be used in the field. On the 6th of December, 37 students from both the English and the Turkish departments, along with two microbiology residents, went to Yenimahalle Belediyesi Barış Manço Anaokulu via the preset Gazi University bus. The kindergarten had 220 children with ages ranging between 4 and 6 years. Throat cultures were taken from children whose parents or guardians had written a consent form. A total number of 149 throat cultures were obtained from the children and some of the kindergarten personnel, as well as some eager medicine students. The cultures were rapidly brought back to Gazi University Microbiology laboratory and were inoculated into the blood agar media prepared by the students two days prior. On the following day, the 7th of December, the inoculated medias were checked and  148 were found to be negative for Group A Beta-haemolytic Streptococcus whereas 1 were positive. Necessary procedures were done for those that were positive.

Although it was a relatively simple procedure, we believe this project has taught us of a child’s psychology, especially while encountering a physician, and how to interact and communicate with the children. At first they seemed frightened by us, some of us had to take thier laboratory coats off so that the cildren would not be afraid, however after we had established a healthy conversation with them, we helped them overcome their fear and they grew to like us and some even played games with us. One little girl even wore one of our friends’ laboraty coat and said that she wanted to be a doctor when she grows up.

Possibly inspired by her, two other girls said they wanted to be pharmacists and veterinarians when they grow up.

It was a different yet a pleasant experience for us all, children, personnel and students alike.

As the students who have participated in this project, we would like to thank our Dean Prof. Dr. M. Sadık DEMİRSOY and our teacher Prof. Dr. Ayşe KALKANCI for giving us this chance and guiding us all the way through it. This project has been a big leap in our social and active physician careers.

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