The establishment of Gazi University Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics goes back to 1979 which is known as the activation of the faculty of Medicine. The establishment which had started serving as the faculty of Medicine depending upon Academy of Economics has later taken the name of faculty of Medicine with the 1982 constititution and with the new law of High Education. Education got faster in 1983 by coming face to face with our students when they were at the third grade. In those years, Prof. Dr. İlhan ÖNDER, who has been the teacher of us all had taken serious responsibility in these education activities. We all remember him with respect and appriciation. Starting from the beginings of 1984, a new period has started with the assignment of Associate Professor Mülazım YILDIRIM and Özdemir HİMMETOĞLU and Prof. Dr. İlhan ÖNDER had returned back to his position at the School of Medicine of Ankara University. Associate Professor Mülazım YILDIRIM had continiued the position of head of our department which had been carrying out its activities at Muhittin ÜLKER Emergency and Traffic Hospital since 1987. Within this period, with its replacement to Beşevler which is the permanent location right now, a new fastness had started at education activities. Prof. Dr. Kutay BİBEROĞLU who had been assigned to the head of our department in 1987 as professor, had continiued his position since 1992. Education activities and patient services had continued increasingly with the limited oppurtunities in old buildings of our faculty. With Prof. Dr. Mülazım YILDIRIM who has undertaken the position of head between the years of 1992-1999, with the following years, with our lecturers who had been assigned and improved their academic titles in time, Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Gazi University has gained a deserved respect and trust. Within this period, our faculty, we had moved to our department located on the ninth floor of the 15 floored building in 1994 as policlinics and in 1996 as clinics in August and education and patient services have continiued successfully.
Starting from June 1999 till September 2005, Prof. Dr. Özdemir HİMMETOĞLU had continued the position of the head of our department. A new area of use has been allocated to the use of our department on the sixth floor of our department and the oppurtunity of serving our gynecologic patient group has been obtained. Gazi University Family Planning and Infertility Department Center and Invitro fertilization center which had been established in 1997 and which have close connection with our department have moved to its present location in the second floor and started to perform valuable services.
By November 2000, high risk pregnancies, prenatal diagnosis and treatment unit have started up in our department. The operation unit which has been located on the ninth floor has been changed into a seperate unit where all obstetric and gynecological operations can be performed.
Within the period up to September 2005, with the resolution that the Academic Council made on 8 March 2002, the lecturers have internalized the principle of studying especially in accordance with their subbranches. Since then, this principle is being continued with an increasing success as an important factor that increases the level of education-research in our university.
Again in this period, Prof. Dr. Akgün YILDIZ who has valuable contributions to our department got retired and took a position at Regensburg Uiversity, Germany in 2004 as a lecturer. Begining from October 2005, up to 20 September 2008, Prof. Dr. Haldun GÜNER had contributed to our department as the head of the department sucessfully and productively.
Especially in this period, how operation on gynecologic-oncologic patients have improved drew attention.
On 18 December 2006, one of the founders of our department Prof. Dr. Mülazım YILDIRIM, who had been struggling with a serious ilness for more than a year passed away. We remember him with respect and missing.
The research and practical projects of Gazi University Family Planning, Infertility and Reproductive Health continue to get an eligible praise with its international publishments.
High risk pregnancies,prenatal diagnosis and treatment unit has also had the oppurtunity to have 3D and 4D equipment and to give this service to our pupil within this period.
Starting from 20 September 2008 Prof. Dr. Onur KARABACAK has been assigned as the head of our department. We believe by heart that our lecturer who had been contributing to our department since 1991 will fasten this development period. Right now there are 11 valuable professors and 5 Associate Professors in our department.
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.