Elective internship at Medical Education and Informatics gives an opportunity for Year 6 students to conduct a research in this area.
During Medical Education and Informatics internship, Year 6 students conducts a research under the guidance of faculty members. They orally present their research results at the department. Some of them pursue more than this presentation and they turn their research into a proceeding or article to present or publish at scientific environments.
Some of them are:
Çetin Batuhan Öçbe | The Clinical Teacher
Depression and Hopelessness in Pre‐Clinical Medical Students https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/tct.13073
Şeyma Şık, Fatmanur Toksöz, Ayşe Can | Klimik Journal
Views of Medical Students and Medical Specialty Trainees on Hand Hygiene
Mehmet Berksun Tutan, Hamza Nazlı, Münevver Aksoy | Gazi Medical Journal
Adaptation of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory: A Validity and Reliability Study for Turkish Medical Students
Çisem Yeşil | Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası
Medical Students’ Social Media Use for Education and Learning
Yunus Özdemir, Şüheda Karahan | National Medical Education Congress 2018
Residents’ Opinions About Impact of the Media on Physician Practices
Yusuf Baral | National Medical Education Symposium 2019
Intern Physicians' Study Methods and Opinions on Mentorship
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