

After Gazi University School of Medicine was opened on 02.10.1979 as a part of Ankara School of Financial and Commercial Sciences (ASFCS)., the department of physiology was established within the body of the academy of pharmacetics.

The first head of  the department of physiology was also one of the founders of the school of medicine Ass. Prof. Dr. Övsev Dörtlemez and his assistant pharmaceutist Atilla Ballı. The classes of physiology started in the 1980-1981 academic year with 18 students and Dr. Aydan Babül was appointed as an academic member the same year.

Associate Prof. Övsev Dörtlemez, Associate Prof. Halis Dörtlemez, Associate Prof. Rana Olguntürk, Associate Prof. Türkiz Gürsel and Associate Prof. Ali İhsan Baysal gave support to the conducting of the physiology classes. Physiology classes in ASFCSA Faculty of Pharmaceutics and in the faculty of dentistry started the same year.

With the delegated legislation numbe 41 dated July 20th 1982, the foundation of “Gazi University” and “Gazi University School of Medicine” was accepted. After the establisgments of the departments, Ass. Prof. Aydan Babül was appointed the head of department. Health Sciences Institute was established the same year and doctorate and post graduate education was carried out by Ass. Prof. Rana Olguntürk, Ass. Prof. Dr. Aydan Babül and Ass. Prof. Dr. Necla Öztürk (H.Ü.).

In 1983 Dentist Deniz Erbaş and Physt. Lamia Yanıçoğlu were appointed as academic members.

In 1985 yılında Ass. Prof. Bilge Gönül was appointed Associate Prof.

In 1986 yılında Associate. Prof. Bilge Gönül was appointed head of department and continued her post until 2003. Dentist Deniz Erbaş finished the doctorate the same year. In this period academic members taught Physiology classes in Gazi University Academy for Nursing and Physical Education Academy.

In 1987 Dr. Aydan Babül became Associate.Prof.

In 1988 yılında Physt. Lamia Yanıçoğlu finished her doctorate. Dentist Deniz Erbaş gained Associate Prof. title. Associate.Prof. Bilge Gönül became Professor.

In 1989 the department Physiology as a part of Basic Sciences moved to the Dean’s building in the school of medicine’s Besevler Campus and research and student laboratories were established.

In 1991 Dr. Lamia Yanıçoğlu became Associate Professor.

In 1993 Dr. Sibel Dinçer joined staff.

In 1994 Associate.Prof. Aydan Babül became Professor.

In 1995 Dr. Eser Öz joined staff. Associate.Prof.Deniz Erbaş became Professor the same year.

In 1998 Spc. Dr. Sibel Dinçer became Associate Prof. Academic staff started teaching Physiology at GATA.

In 1999 Associate. Prof. Lamia Yanıçoğlu left the department and became Professor at 9 Eylül University.

In 2000 the department of Phsiology housed Prof. Dr. Bilge Gönül, Prof. Dr. Aydan Babül, Prof. Dr. Deniz Erbaş, Associate. Prof. Sibel Dinçer, Ass. Prof. Dr. Eser Öz and Instructor Gonca Akbulut. 

In 2006 Prof. Dr. Bilge Gönül retired.

In 2010 the department of Phsiology housed Prof. Dr.Aydan Babül, Prof. Dr. Deniz Erbaş, Prof. Dr. Sibel Dinçer, Prof. Dr. Eser Öz and Prof. Dr. Gonca Akbulut, Associate. Prof. Çiğdem Özer.



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