The Gazi University Faculty of Medicine was founded in Ankara in 1979 under the Ankara Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences. The faculty has started its activities in 1979-1980 academic year with 7 lecturers, 17 assistants and 100 students in the Dr. Muhittin Ülker Emergency and Traumatology Hospital. Routine laboratory services were provided in the Biochemistry laboratory of the Emergency andTraffic Hospital Emergency affiliated to the Ministry of Health.
During this period, Dr. E. Sevda MENEVŞE and Dr. Adnan Menevşe supported Medical Biology courses and also Biochemistry courses. In 1981, two specialized students were admitted to the department. During this period, biochemistry courses were given in the classes of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
In 1982, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine was accepted by Higher Education Institution (YÖK). In the same year, Nurten Türközkan, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, was assigned to the Biochemistry Department of the Facultyof Medicine to conduct the Biochemistry education and to establish the Routine Biochemistry Laboratory.
Again in 1982, Dr. Aysel Arıcıoğlı, who completed herdoctorate education at the Faculty of Dentistry, was appointedto the Department of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine.
Chaired by Assistant Professor Nurten Türközkan, Assistant Dr. Aysel Arıcıoğlu and 6 specialized students were assignedto the Department and Biochemistry classes and routine biochemistry laboratory studies were continued. In the same years, Prof.Dr. Şerafettin Özkurt has been assigned as a contractor in the department to support biochemistry education. Dr. Aysel Arıcıoğlu completed her Ph.D in 1983 and has also attended the training since this date. Dr. Nilgün Altan, who completed her Ph.D. in Biochemistry in 1979, joined the faculty in 1984 and undertook the duties of explaining the Biochemistry courses and establishing the Hormone Laboratory.
Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, started Ph.D. and Master Educatin in Health Sciences started in 1985. The department services are divided into two laboratories providing Research and Routine services when the hospital construction process is over. Since 1992, the department'sresearch laboratories are located in the Dean's office. In 1992, routine biochemistry laboratory services were transferred totoday's Central Laboratory and Assist. Prof. Cemal Cevik has been in charge of Central Laboratory. Prof. Dr. Cemal Çevik continued this duty until 2002.
The responsibility of the central laboratory was carried out by Prof. Dr. Hatice Paşaoğlu between 2002-2004, by Prof. Dr. Banu Çaycı between 2004-2008 and by Prof. Dr. Hatice Paşaoğlu between 2008-2012.
The responsibilities of Head of Department was carried out by Prof. Dr. Nurten Türközkan between 1982-1997, by Prof. Dr. Nilgün Altan between 1997-2000, by Prof. Dr. Nedret Kılıç between 2000-2003, by Prof. Dr. Hatice Paşaoğlu between2003-2015, by Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bilgihan between 2015-2017 and by Prof. Dr. Cemal Çevik between 2017-2019.
In January 2019.
Prof. Dr. Neslihan Bukan was elected as the Head of the Department and still carries out this duty. The department consists of 5 professors (Prof.Dr. Hatice Paşaoğlu, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kavutçu, Prof. Dr. Neslihan Bukan, Prof. Dr. Aylin Sepici Dinçel, Prof. Dr. Özlem Gülbahar), 2 associate professors (Doç. Dr. Canan Yılmaz and Doç.Dr. Cengiz KARAKAYA ), and 1 lecturer (Dr.Şehri Elbeg). In addition to specializate education, Doctorate and Master's programs are continuing at the Institute of Health Sciences. There have been separation from the faculty members of the department due to retirement. Eight faculty members have retired already.
Faculty members who retired from our department:
1- Prof. Dr. Nurten Türközkan (2014)
2- Prof. Dr. Orhan Canpolat (2013)
3- Prof. Dr. Nilgün Altan (2016)
4- Prof. Dr. Aysel Arıcıoğlu (2016)
5- Prof. Dr. Nedret Kılıç (2017)
6- Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bilgihan (2017)
7- Prof. Dr. Banu Çaycı Sivri (2017)
8- Prof. Dr. Cemal Çevik (2019)
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