Gazi University School of Medicine was opened on 02.10.1979 as a part of Ankara School of Financial and Commercial Sciences (ASFCS). The faculty was renamed as Gazi University School of Medicine in 1982. No departments were established between its foundation and reform. The classes were taught by academic members and instructors. The first academic member was Dr.Dural Kadıoğlu (1980), his assistant was Engin Çalgüner (1981). When the faculty was renamed as Gazi University School of Medicine, was entitled as assistant professor.
With the Higher Education Council in 1981 and the Higher Education Organisation Act in 1982, a new organisational formation was established in universities and the anatomy, histology and embryology sciences were united under the department of morphology. Ass.Prof. M.Tahir Hatipoğlu was appointed as the founding head of the new department on 05 Aralık 1982. Anatomy assistant Afitap Anıl and Histology and Embryology Assistant Müfide Görgün was appointed to the School of Medicine Department of Morpholpgy (1983).
After the Head of Department Dr. M. Tahir Hatipoğlu was suspended on 05.05.1983 because of “1402”, Ass. Prof. Yüksel Saran from Ankara University School of Medicine was temporarily appointed as head of department. In 1984 Ass. Prof. Doç. Dr. Deniz Erdoğan from Hacettepe Univeristy became head of department. Dr. Erdoğan continued this duty until 1993 when Anatomy, Histology and Embryology were separated. Ass. Prof. Düral Kadıoğlu was appointed. In 1994 Prof. Dr. H.Basri Turgut from Dicle University became head of department. In 2005 Prof. Dr. Afitap Anıl, in 2008 Prof. Dr. Dural Kadıoğlu, in 2010 Prof. Dr. Tuncay Veysel Peker was appointed as head of department. Prof. Dr İ. Nadir GÜLEKON has been acting as head of department since September.
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