

Gazi University Department of Medical Genetics was established within the internal medical sciences on September 15th 2003, and is one of the first established departments of medical genetics in our country. Two instructors, three technicians an a secretary took part in its foundation. Ass.Prof. Dr. Meral Yirmibeş Karaoğuz (Head of Department) and instructor Dr. Mehmet Ali Ergün taught genetics couses in term III “Cellular tissue damage and chemical factors classes group” in the 2003-2004 academic year. They performed cytogenetic, molecular cytogenetic, and molecular genetic diagnostic tests form postnatal, prenatal and post-mortem materials as routine laboratory services. On 31.05.2004, Associate Prof. E. Ferda Perçin from Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine joined the department, and made polyclinic services active in the field of clinical genetics after becoming head of department. On 14.06.2004, the first research assistant started duty with the examination for specialty in medicine (TUS). On 04.03.2011  instructor Dr. Esra Tuğ from Abant Izzet Baysal University joined our department.

Besides routine diagnostic services regarding cytogenetics, molecular cytogenetics and molecular genetics, research projects in the same fields are continued in our department. Especially advanced molecular genetical examinations such as genotyping and genetic mapping. In 2007, Prof. Dr. E. Ferda Perçin has identified Malik-Percin (OMIM 609432) Tip IX Sindaktili as a result mapping studies.

On 19.12.2006 our department received the “Genetical Diseases Diagnosis Center” licence in the fields of cytogenetics and molecular genetics form the Ministry of Health. On13.09.2008 our first research assistant completed the Medical Genetics Specialty training successfully. The department currently has four academic members, eight research assistants, three specialist biologists, a biologist, a technician, a laborant and a secretary.



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